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 Disa trike

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 229
Join date : 16/11/2008
Age : 32
Location : n`Mitro

Disa trike Empty
MesazhTitulli: Disa trike   Disa trike I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 1:39 am

Disa trika te thjesht-Sekrete te Windowsit

1. Disa kombinime te tasteve qe jan te realizueshme ne Win_XP
(tasti=key) Windows ndodhet ne mes tastit Ctrl dhe Alt)
- Windows key + D - tregon desktopin (tavolinen e punes)
- Windows key + M - minimizon te gjtha dritaret e hapura te Windowsit
- Windows key + Shift + M - maksimizon te gjtha dritaret e hapura te Windowsit
- Windows key + E - starton Windows Explorerin
- Windows key + R - qfaq(paraqet) RUN dialogun
- Windows key + F - qfaq(paraqet dritaren per kerkim (Search window)
- Windows key + Break - paraqet System Properties box
- Windows key + TAB - leviz permes shiritit=taskbar applications
- Windows key + PAUSE p[araqet System Properties dialog box
- Windows key + U Hap Utility Manager
- ALT + TAB - kalon me rend neper aplikacionet e hapura (opened applications)
- Hold down CTRL deri sa e terheq zvarrë(zhagit) e kopjon atë
- CTRL + ESC Paraqet Menyn startuese (Start menu)
- ALT + ENTER paraqet vetit per objektin e seseltuar
- F4 key PQraqet Address bar listen nr My Computer
- NUM LOCK + Asterisk (*) paraqet te gjith nenefolderat qe jan brenda folderit te selektuar
2. Kyqja(drynosja) e windowsit per mbrojtjen e kompjuterit
Mundeni ta mbyllni Windowsin qe te mbroni PC tuaj nese krijoni nji shkurtore (shortcut) ne kete
shteg(path) rundll32.exeuser32.dll, LockWorkStation. Tasti Windows + L eshte poashtu nji
shkutrore per kete.
3. Editimi i sysoc.inf qe te shfletoni te gjtha softwaret
Qe te shini dhe te shfletoni te gjitha sowtferet qe mund te largohen nega PC e juaj (posaqerisht
sherbimet e mbrojtura re windowsit), Ju duhet ne menyr manuele te Editoni(permirsoni) sysoc.inf
e cila ndodhet ne Windows\inf\. Mjafton te largoni fjalen hide qe ndodhet pas paketit softwerik.
*Kujdes* - perdorne ne rrezikun(pergjegjesin) tuaj. RLargimi i komponenteve kritike te systemit
mund te shkaktoi jo stabilitet te Windowsit.Ok
4. Windows XP vjen se bashku me IPv4 dhe IPv6
Windows XP vjen se bashku me mbeshtetjen e IPv4 dhe IPv6 . Qe te aktivizoni IPv6, Ju duhet te
instaloni Portokolet e nevojshme me anene e kesaj komande "ipv6 install" në command-prompt.
Pastaj shtypni ipv6 /? ashtu qe Ju te shihni kete. Insatlimi nuk e largon Portokolin IPv4 dhe
konfigurimi aktual do te punoj edhe me tutje.
5. Qasja ne Task Manager pa ikonë
Qe te keni qasje ne Task Manager, mund te krijoni shkurtore(shortcut) ne desktop duke
shfrytezuar komanden e meposhtme: %windir%\system32\taskmgr.exe.
6. Ndaloni trajtimin e ZIP fajllave sikur Foldera
Nese nuk deshironi qe Windows XP te trajton ZIP filet njet si folderat, Ju mund te
deaktivizoni kete duke startuar regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll ne command prompt (DOS) apo Run dialog.
If you start missing it, Ju mundeni prap te aktivizoni me kete komand: regsvr32 zipfldr.dll.
7. Starto programe si perdorues tjeter (different user)
Ju mund te startoni programet si perdorues tjeter. Djathas kliko ne ndonji aplikacion dhe shtype
Run As command.
8. Kalimi nga nji perdorues ne tjetrin pa i mbyllur programet
Ju mund te kaloni nga nji perdorues ne tjetrin duke i lene programet te hapura (*Kujdes* Perdore
vete nese kjo eshte e domosdoshme per shkak te jostabilitetit te Windowsit).
Shkoni tek Task Manager - processes dhe bani end the process explorer.exe. Kjo do te ferfundon
vetem seksionin Tuaj po jo edhe aplikacionetPastaj shko deri tek Applications tab, clicko në New
task dhe shkruaje runas /user:domainname\username explorer.exe. Ju paraqitet dialogu per paswodr
dhe username i deshiruar. Tani do te ju paraqitet Useri i Ri por te gjtha programet e me parshme
jan te hapura.

9. Riemrimi i shum Fajllave pernjiher(njekohesishte)
Seletoni te gjtha fajllat e deshiruara,Djathas clicko dhe selecto Rename. Shkruaj emrin e
deshiruar. Fajllat do te riemrohen kurse ne kllapa do te paraqiten numrat rendor.
Pjesa e me poshtme eshte ne anglisht me qellim qe femijt mos te mund ta demtoj kompjuterin duke

10. Task kill feature in Windows
Windows has a task kill feature similar to Linux. Go to a command prompt and run the command
tasklist to see running processes with PID numbers. Then type tskill <PID> to end the specific
task. This forces an instant closing of the task.
11. Edit features with GPEDIT.MSC
You can edit many features by running gpedit.msc. You can add log on/log off scripts here and
many features.
12. Edit accounts in the command prompt
You can edit accounts by running "control userpasswords2" at the command prompt.
13. Use systeminfo.exe to see System Information
You can use the systeminfo.exe command in the command prompt to see System Information, including
all Windows updates and hotfixes.
14. Disable system services for maximum performance
There are system services that you can disable to free up the system's load. To access the
interface that permits you to make changes to system's services, type services.msc and the
command prompt.
This is a list of services that are *usually* useless and can be safely disabled.
Application Layer Gateway Service,
Application Management
Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Distributed Transaction Coordinater
Error Reporting Service
Fast User Switching Compatibility
IMAPI CD-Burning
Indexing Service
IPSEC Services
Net Logon
Net Meeting
Remote Desktop Sharing
Network DDE
Network DDE DSDM
Portable Media Serial Number
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Registry
Secondary Logon
SSDP Discovery Service
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Upload Manager
Wireless Zero Configuration
WMI Performance Adaptor
*NOTE*: Make sure you don't need them since some applications you're using could depend on them.
If you make any application to fail by disabling any of the services, go back and enable it
15. Repair Windows XP by using the XP installation CD
If your system failes to start due to an error related to missing HAL.DLL, invalid Boot.ini or
any other critical system boot files you can repair this by using the XP installation CD. Simply
boot from your XP Setup CD and enter the Recovery Console. Then run "attrib -H -R -S" on the
C:\Boot.ini file and delete it. Run "Bootcfg /Rebuild" and then Fixboot.
One keyboard shortcut I use almost daily for deleting items without having to go and empty the
recycling bin is to highlight the item (single left click or hover depending weather your system
is set to single or double click) & then hold shift and then hit delete and then enter to confirm
the delete.
Having to go and empty a recycling bin for me is a useless waste of time (double work) and also
hard drive space.
Also turning off the remote registry service and remote assistance, & remote desktop services is
paramount for me. Hijacking malwares are based on these services being turned ON !!!
Mbrapsht në krye Shko poshtë
Disa trike
Mbrapsht në krye 
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